Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Not Another Zombie Book

I put this in my Scrapbook over six years ago as a junior in high school, and now as a senior in college its concept is at the core of my art.

"I majored in English, but as a young man I read a great deal of psychology," the Head told them. "I began with Freud, of course, everyone begins with Freud... then Jung...Adler... worked my way around the whole ball field from there. Lurking behind all theories of how the minds works is a greater theory: Darwin's. In Freud's vocabulary, the idea of survival as the prime directive is expressed by the concept of the id. In Jung's, by the rather grander idea of blood conscious thought, all memory, all rational ability, were to be stripped from a human mind in a moment, what would remain would be pure and terrible."
He paused, looking around for comment. None of them said anything. The Head nodded as if satisfied and resumed.
"Although neither the Freudians nor the Jungians come right out and say it, they strongly suggest that we may have a core, a single basic carrier wave, or- to use language with which Jordan is comfortable- a single line of written code which cannot be stripped."
"The PD," Jordan said. "The prime directive."
"Yes," the Head agreed. "At bottom, you see, we are not Homo sapiens at all. Our core is madness. The prime directive is murder. What Darwin was too polite to say, my friends, is that we came to rule the earth not because we were the smartest, or even the meanest, but because we have always been the craziest, most murderous motherfuckers in the jungle. And that is what the Pulse exposed five days ago."

-Cell, A Novel by Stephen King

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