Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Art and How it Functions in My Life.

Art is a form of expression and a process of understanding to me. Although is it not usually conclusive, my art strives to deal with concepts that cannot be easily articulated. These concepts are usually issues specific to my life or my observations of others. Recently it has become a serious process of introspection for me. I feel like my art is a way with which I try to understand and explain human behavior, whether it be a general behavior or my own.

Some of my motivation has been the people in my life. Human behavior and interaction fascinate me. I am a psychology student in addition to being an art student, and this becomes relevant in many of the themes of my work. I’m very interested in human emotion, expression, and social interactions. Studying humans from a psychological and anthropological perspective is fascinating to me. I am particularly fond of abstract expressionist art. I really like the concept of automatic painting and creating an image quickly that stems from the subconscious. I feel this type of art really incorporates my interest in psychology. I find it hard to be motivated sometimes, however I value intrinsic work the most. All my work that I truly appreciate comes unexpectedly. Lots of my inspiration starts in doodles when my mind is wandering. This semester I would really to work on being able to sit down and produce work whether I am in the mood or not. I think there is a lot to learn about sitting and forcing yourself to explore and produce work.

I don’t actually want to be an artist. I want to be a social worker. I just really like art. Art is an enriching part of my life, and a tool that I use to try and understand things that are hard to express in any other way. I never want it to be my primary source of income. I want to keep it at a hobby level, or a minor second career. My goal for this year as an artist is to create a foundation of work of which I’m truly proud. I want delve further into discovering who I am through art. This semester I’m going to be applying for Social Work Masters programs and potentially interested in Teach for America. In my future, I could potentially see art therapy or art education. But for now I really want to focus on family law and social work. I really want a career where I feel like I’m helping people every day. I can’t see that happening as an artist. Art has always been a staple in my life. My parents were very supportive and took me to all sorts of classes. When I got older, I took every art class my high school offered. Studying art has given me a more creative perspective on life and how I view things. It has taught me to consider things past their first impressions.

Right now I’m working on developing some doodles that I did last semester. I didn’t take an art class last semester, and for the first time in years I found myself having art squirt out in unexpected places. I would draw compulsively over all my notes and create images that were completely unexpected. From these doodles I have created sketches and paintings that I would like to develop into a series. They are kind of an exploration of form. Some are completely nonfigurative. However, some are inspired from bits and pieces of things all meshed together.

This year I really want to learn how to make work consistently. I want to buy/make a sketch book that I can do a little bit in everyday. Sometimes I’m so busy that I forget to take time to sit down, think and create. This is something I want to change.

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