Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Terry Winters

My Drawing Professor mentioned Terry Winters immediately after poking her head into my studio and seeing some of my most recent work. After writing his name down, I plugged into Google and found this...

And this...


His work deals with abstract, but very obviously organic forms. He also seems to work with grids, patterns, and lots of repetition. His later work becomes much less form oriented and more focused on pattern. However, I can certainly relate to his earlier figurative works. These pieces are created by layers of repeated imagery that create an atmosphere.

Terry Winters is a painter from New York who graduated from Pratt Institute. He is an established drawer, painter, and print maker.

The atmospheric quality of his work is really what interests me. I find that he is able to create a surreal world constructed out of abstract imagery. This is something that I have found myself doing. It is not a world that one could walk into, but a place where these organic forms exist in a very natural way. It's hard to explain, but I feel like if I'm able to explain this I might understand my own work better.

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